ETC: Art and Literary Magazine

Our mission in this magazine is to inspire and create a stronger community through art and literature. By publishing creative visual and literary student works that touch upon the themes presented in Disability Visibility: First-Person From The Twenty-First Century edited by Alice Wong, the magazine will connect to the College's Institutional Outcome of Individual Development that includes ethical values, personal wellness, and personal learning strategies.

Purchase the 2023 ETC Magazine


ETC: Magazine is inspired by the numerous prevailing themes of the 2022–2023 Hawkeye Reads book selection Disability Visibility edited by Alice Wong.


Noun: The quality of being able to be reached or entered.

This section of the ETC: Magazine will contain creative works that explore navigating the world as a disabled person. The Accessibility theme will explore the products and services offered to enhance the lives of people living with disabilities, as well as the programs found in your community.

When was the last time you made something available to someone? What do you do to ensure everyone feels welcome in your community? What are some barriers you find in life that challenge your level of ability?


Noun: A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.

This section of the ETC: Magazine will showcase creative works surrounding themes of interaction and support.

What does it mean to be in community with one another? How do we support and sustain our relationships? Describe how your peers impact your life and the lives of others. Do you hold space for people who don’t look like you? Speak like you? Recall a time when you reached out to someone who might’ve been struggling with challenges and barriers.


Verb: To perceive the significance, explanation, or cause of something.

This section of the ETC: Magazine will contain creative works of the artist's first-hand experiences, moments of confusion, and times where they've had an epiphany about the world.

How do we understand one another? How can we be more understanding towards others, no matter their situation? How do you navigate misunderstandings about your level of ability or mental challenges? When was the last time you opened yourself up to learn something new?

Celebration of Identity

Verb: The act of honoring what characteristics determine who a person is.

This section of the ETC: Magazine will feature creative works that highlight the acceptance of a disability and learning to embrace the label “Disabled”. Celebrate who you are, who you were, and who you’ve become!

Describe your personal journey to accepting yourself, through your artwork, a poem, a visual, etc. What does your identity mean to you?

Additional Disability Visibility Themes

Themes about Value and Authenticity

  • Everyone has value.
  • Every child has value.
  • Disabled children are not “worse-off”.
  • No one’s life has more value than the other.
  • Disabled people are equally as important as able-bodied people.
  • It is better to be authentic to yourself.
  • Authenticity is key.
  • Mobility aids and service animals are valuable and we shouldn’t restrict access to them.

Themes about Grief, Shame, and Judgement

  • There is no shame in what you look like.
  • Being disabled is nothing to be ashamed of.
  • Grief is a powerful tool for growth.
  • Grieving something doesn’t have to be the end.
  • After grief comes rebirth.
  • We shouldn’t judge people based on things they can’t change.
  • You shouldn’t fear people based on what they look like.

Themes about Oppression

  • Religion can be a double edged sword.
  • Organized religion can be a tool for harm or good.
  • Disabled people do not need to be cured.
  • There is nothing wrong with Disabled people.
  • “Disabled” is not synonymous with useless. Disabled people bring much more to the table.
  • Institutional Ableism and systemic Oppression of disabled peoples.
  • Isolation used as a tool of oppression.
  • We should do more to expand accessibility for all who need it.

Themes about Acceptance and Self Advocacy

  • We should accept our situations in life and make the most of them.
  • Self acceptance is important.
  • You should love and accept yourself no matter what.
  • We should accept everyone no matter what they look like or status of ability.
  • There is freedom in accepting yourself/others.
  • Sometimes you are your best advocate.
  • Self advocacy is important.
  • Disabled representation in the media and the public sphere is important for self identification and acceptance.
  • We all deserve to see ourselves in a positive light.
  • All aspects of life like fashion, modeling, schooling, etc., should be accessible and comfortable for all.
  • Disabled people want to feel beautiful/sexy like everyone else.

Themes about Love, Motivation, Overcoming Obstacles

  • You can overcome strict and/or traditional religion.
  • We can all overcome barriers that are placed in front of us.
  • You should love your child no matter how they’re born.
  • You can reach your goals regardless of your situation/ability.
  • Through perseverance you can accomplish anything.
  • Be confident in yourself.
  • Have confidence in others.
  • You have the power to make change.
  • We all have the power to make change.
  • Change can be made by anyone.

Themes about Community and Humanity

  • Disabled people contribute meaningful contributions to society.
  • The importance of intersectionality and community.
  • It’s important to be vulnerable.
  • Parents should love their children regardless of ability.
  • Good parents learn from their mistakes and seek education when raising their children.
  • You should prepare yourself to care for any kind of child.
  • It is important to have people who care about you.
  • A support system goes a long way. We should all try to support one another.
  • We all have a duty to advocate for what is right.
  • Language and ability should not be a barrier to schooling or community.
  • Service animals are a helpful aid for disabled people but disabled people are also independent beings with them.

Enter Your Work for Consideration for the 2023 ETC Hawkeye Magazine

Last year’s edition featured over 60 pages of student photography, paintings, poems, short stories, drawings, and digital design. To be featured in this year’s edition, please submit work that relates to or is inspired by the themes of Disability Visibility edited by Alice Wong!

Any creative piece you want to submit we’ll consider it for ETC!

If you do not have access to equipment to scan or photograph your work, or have questions about entering audio or video submissions please email Arts and Literature ETC.

All fields marked with * are required.

Please use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome to submit your entries. At this time, the form does not work in Internet Explorer.

Submission Type *
Submission Theme *

If you do not have access to equipment to scan or photograph your work, please e-mail to coordinate a time to drop off your artwork.

Contact Information

Faculty Advisors

Robin Sprague
Black Hawk Hall 216
319-296-2329 ext.1703
Email Robin Sprague

Dan Jensen
Black Hawk Hall 158
319-296-2329 ext.1295
Email Dan Jensen

Jennifer Bates
Black Hawk Hall 252A
319-296-2329 ext.1211
Email Jennifer Bates

Arts & Literature, Etc. Email

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